Friday, 17 July 2020

What is awakening and why is it not compatible with depression?

What is awakening and why is it not compatible with depression?
The words Master and Apprentice will be used throughout the article. This does not mean that the master is teaching something, but means that the student can learn if he deems it necessary. Awakening can be spontaneous, as a result of many years of searching for something unknown, without the participation of a master. In the presence of a wizard, the process is reduced to minutes or hours. Awakening can come instantly. It all depends on the state of the student. His:

  • Trust.
  • Openness and peace.
  • Emptiness (only an empty vessel can be filled).
The path to the goal can be long or short. The length of the path depends on many factors, especially when the goal is vague and how in a fairy tale you have to go there - I don't know where and bring that - I don't know what. In satsangs, masters are often asked the question, " What is awakening ?" The answers are different, but these are words, and words are just food for the mind. He loves thoughts, models, concepts, but awakening occurs when the mind is silent, and it becomes silent when awakening comes. Is the circle closed? Do you think this is some kind of Sufi or Zen joke? Nothing like this. Everything is simple, but this simplicity must be pursued consistently.

Usually, when a master's attention is directed to a person, it feels like something special: 
  • Women experience a state of warmth, love and tenderness (depending on the degree of mental activity, emotional background and attention to the master).
  • Men feel a downward or upward flow of pleasant energy penetrating the body (depending on the degree of mental activity and trust in the master). 
  • The master feels the same as the disciples. 
If the master is a woman, then the feelings of men and women who are present at the satsang are mirrored. What is it? How can you explain the experienced sensations? After all, they arise spontaneously and are not associated with the words of the master. What's going on and why? How can you prolong this pleasant state of clarity, joy, love and happiness? What is needed for this? Meditation? Asanas? Privacy? Practices? Obedience? Spiritual feat? 

All of the above can work, but it's a long way to go. You don't travel from Odessa to Kiev via Australia, do you? There are shorter paths and they are due to our nature. Awakening is the evolutionary process of the interaction of perception and form (body) . From the world of thoughts, experiences and worries, a person enters the world of silence and sensations caused by direct perception of reality. 

Awakening brings relief from the suffering of form, including even pain. Sometimes it goes away completely, sometimes partly, but there is no suffering. Naturally, the silence of the mind gradually comes and the cleansing of memory files from negative emotional coloring. What is the nature of awakening? I will try to explain this from two points of view - near-scientific and religious.

Near-scientific explanation

Awakening is caused by the resonance phenomenon of energetics of two forms of different types of perception, when: 
  • Their attention is drawn to each other.
  • They are open, gullible and calm.
  • When they wish each other happiness. 
In other words:

Trust, openness and desire
Share the joy accumulated in your soul
From comprehending the harmony of the universe -
Carries love, lifts us above mortal life
And awakens resonance in the ripe to give its light,
That primordial secret, which is, in essence, life, love and grace.

It is no coincidence that nature divided us into women and men - creatures with different types of perception. When a man's ATTENTION is drawn to a woman, and a woman's ATTENTION to a man, their energies of attention merge into one and the increased potential makes it possible to perceive the basis of being - Light (subtle energies). Both forms react to this with a burst of activity of the pineal gland, which results in a feeling of the flow of Love, Tenderness (Happiness). 

Forms receive huge doses of endorphins, serotonin, dopamine, and in some cases DMT (Dimethyltryptamine) . At such doses, it is difficult to slip into depression, but quite well into mania. Therefore, at the initial stage of awakening, it is important for those who suffer from manic depressive disorder to keep a balance between the coming silence and bliss, without slipping into permanent bliss . A good night's rest is no less important .

ATTENTION is not necessarily a sensory perception, it is an inner knowledge that somewhere there is a person with whom you, for example, are currently communicating in a chat. The same thing happens between the expectant mother and the unborn boy. A woman FEELS ANOTHER inside herself. It is difficult for men to understand this, but it is possible to imagine. This is enough for resonance. 

Religious explanation of resonance (awakening)

It is hard to imagine that the scribes and Pharisees took up arms against Christ because he came to approve the elementary social norms of human community. Then why was he crucified? The answer lies in a well-known phrase, interpreted by the fathers of the Christian church in different ways. Where two or three gather in my name, there I am in the midst of them.  This phrase is a direct pointer to the path of natural evolution of perception. 

It should be understood as follows: where two (a man and a woman; a woman pregnant with a boy) or three (a man and a pregnant woman) gather in My name (Light, Love, the Basis of Being), there I (Light, Love, the Basis of Being) among them. Christ brought to people what undermined the foundations of a consumer society oriented toward pursuing happiness through the pursuit of external goals (wealth, possessions, power, and fame). 

People can stay in the stream of impersonal Love constantly and work only to satisfy the elementary needs of the body. Being in the flow is a natural state of perceiving beings that does not require social and physical conditioning. With the coming awareness of the unity of all that exists, the concept of "enemy" disappears. Now, loving the enemy is not a problem and you do not need to acquire in order to be happy. 

The popularization of such a worldview horrified those in power and Christ was removed. The world religion was named after him, and the essence of the doctrine was interpreted as it was beneficial to the power structures. 

Those who first came to this resource may find it useful to familiarize themselves with previous publications. It's best to start with the first one.
I would like to sincerely thank those who are actively involved in the support, development and work of the project. 

The topic of awakening is quite voluminous and dynamic. It brings surprises not only in the field of relationships and communication. The perception of what was previously considered second-rate life (plants, animals, minerals) is changing. One life fills an infinite variety of forms. This is evidenced by the perception of the awakened one. In the next post, I will touch on one of these topics. 

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