About the project

The idea of ​​creating a project appeared several years ago, after the first successes in removing people from severe depressive states. The changes were dramatic. The state of oppression and hopelessness that poisoned life for weeks or months passed after one to two hours. Man experienced the experience of an alternative perception of the world. He woke up and felt that it was as simple and natural as breathing. To survive such an experience is not necessary to be sick. It is available to everyone who seeks to find peace, harmony, love and happiness. 

The project is primarily aimed at helping people suffering from depression in a clinical and chronic form. Significant improvement can be achieved in most cases, and even with  endogenous depression, the cure of which, according to doctors, is possible only with the help of antidepressants. "Miracle" lies in the method used , the implementation of which increases the level of norepinephrine, serotonin and other hormones in a natural way, due to the activation of the pineal gland. 

A person experiences the experience of awakening and masters the skill of staying in this state. It gains protection from the influence of external factors, no matter how destructive they may have seemed before. A lot is changing: 

  • Life, which seemed gray and mundane, is filled with a new meaning.  
  • There comes harmony, love, tenderness and happiness. 
  • The level of perception adequacy is growing, irritability and a tendency to destructive cyclic thinking are disappearing.
  • Relations with the environment are normalized and the problems of relations in the family and at work are harmoniously resolved.
It should be noted that all this happens naturally, without exotic trainings, yoga, psychedelics and meditations. The method also works with healthy people who seek to increase awareness  and achieve the state of Awakening. As a result, one gets the skill of balancing between the state of silence of the mind and bliss, and not   between suffering and its disappearance . It sounds fantastic, but nonetheless, it is a fact. It is naturally impossible to guarantee the same result for everyone. It all depends on a person’s readiness to accept a new attitude and believe that this is his natural state, like the ability to breathe.

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