Thursday, 20 August 2020

Broken heart is the cause of depression

How does the EGO program behave? She immediately declares: "Mine! I want!". And quickly forms an EGO-dependence. If one of the partners is less susceptible, then his dependence is not formed or is being formed, but to a lesser extent. They are usually men. They are most often driven by a desire for physical intimacy and a fear of responsibility (if they are ripe for responsibility). Sometimes it is enough for women just to be near, to see, to feed, to take care of. Sex, of course, too, but this comes later, since the partner must be checked for marriage, decency and other attributes of solidity. After all, a man is a potential life companion.

The broken heart phenomenon occurs quite often. In a society of selfishly oriented beings, this is one of the most common causes of  depression , especially in women. Those who got under the distribution, I will probably upset. There is no unrequited love, but there is unrequited ego dependence. It is expressed in a simple phrase: "I want to have, but I can't." To avoid misunderstandings, I will clarify. 

An egoist cannot love (this was discussed in previous publications, but I will repeat myself). Moreover, an altruist cannot either. Love is a state in which you can stay. It can be called a resonance of two souls, allowing one to perceive the Basis of Being, to which the body reacts with a stream of bliss, tenderness and love. So, two met, were filled with sympathy and a stream arose ... 

So, what is Love and ego-addiction figured out. Now let's figure out what it means to love. So that the flow of Love is not interrupted, the "lover" must: 

  • Accept a person unconditionally and completely.
  • Wish him happiness near, far, with yourself or with anyone. If only he (she) were happy.
  • Do not interfere in his life until the person asks for it. It is possible to give gifts if it does not interrupt the flow. 
Moreover, such love is completely disinterested. It is focused on giving, not receiving. And only in this case a person can be in the stream of Love. Beloved left with another and she feels good - you are happy. A beloved meets with a friend and she makes him happy - hug your friend and rejoice with her in general happiness. 

For love, there are no distances. Those who wish each other happiness can merge into one and be in the flow of Love, even being on different continents. Phones and internet are not needed. You will say that this is fantastic? Do not hurry. For me and those who have awakened to live in the present moment, this is not an everyday reality, since life turns into a never-ending magical act.  

A world where there are no boundaries for relationships, in which you can give Love and Affection at will and without restrictions - this is a reality that terrifies only those who are obsessed with creating a myth about happiness outside, which can be bought, obtained and kept with oneself and for oneself ... This is true for bodily pleasures, but for the soul, it is a scam. 

The rich get their hearts broken too. Those who are devoured by the inflamed EGO-addiction in the form of a "broken" heart have no time for money or delicacies. They suffer from the loss of what they never had, from self-pity, from an unsatisfied desire to have, resentment and unwillingness to live. This is what blocks the perception of the flow of Love. 

Awakening opens the eyes of the sleeping person to the true state of affairs. He is in a stream of happiness and clearly sees how the intervention of the EGOUMA affects this state. Everything quickly falls into place. A person comes to impersonal perception, becomes the master of his tools (ego-program and mind) and lives the current moment as he considers necessary, i.e. in harmony with the world, since he himself is the source of this harmony. He evolves from a Homo sapiens into an awakened man, free from suffering. I would like to sincerely thank those who are actively involved in the support, development and work of the project. 

Thursday, 13 August 2020

Involvement, conscious and unconscious

Waking up and falling asleep is a cyclical process that we go through every day. At night we see one dream, and in the morning we wake up in another dream consisting of our thoughts. We think them, make assumptions, guesses, shuffle and lay out memory files, experiencing rare emotions of joy and numerous destructive states. A person plunges into dreams, fears, desires and hopes - into everything that is no longer there or not yet, that is, into the illusory world of the mind. He is  asleep, unconsciously drawn into the illusory world of mental constructions.

Everyone knows that the sky is blue and the clouds are beautiful, but try to remember how often you lie down on the earth warmed by the sun, drowning in the aromas of meadow grasses and admiring the clouds? I'm sure this is rare. The mind becomes silent when the attention switches to global objects. As soon as this happens, a person is immersed in the present moment, and silence comes - that which is unchanging, eternal. The silence of the mind should come naturally; you can only come to an agreement with it by practicing meditation for a while.

Those who experience the here and now, that is, awaken, eventually come to silence of the mind in a  natural way . This happens quickly if for some time they do not communicate with the sleeping people. If communication takes place, some effort must be made to maintain silence. To do this, one must not get involved in flying thoughts, desires, hopes, dreams, grief and other nonsense that imposes a web of sleep on the attention. In addition, it is necessary to track ego-reflections (resentment, insults, humiliation, pride) that occur when contacting sleeping people. 

How not to get involved in someone else's melodarms and not reflexive?

In contact with sleeping people, first of all, one must be vigilant and ruthlessly cut off all unnecessary things. Are you being forced to tell a story about a friend's neighbor or your partner's betrayal? Just speak to your eyes that you are not interested. Having got out of your dream, plunging into someone else's is stupid. The sleeper does not stop - just turn away and leave. If you manage to be in silence, then just look into the eyes of the speaker, smiling internally. If your interlocutor looks away, ask him to look you in the eye. A few minutes will pass and he will be silent. He will plunge into your silence, and the border between you will disappear.

Remember that your interlocutor and you are just waves in the ocean of awareness. It's just that your wave is clean, and the wave of the interlocutor is carrying some kind of debris (plastic bottles, styrofoam and dead fish). There are no boundaries between you. You are transparent, and your interlocutor sees the world through the garbage. You can share the purity of your perception, or you can look at the world through the eyes of a sleeping interlocutor. You can just fall asleep, immersed in the ego of reflection, forgetting about unity and harmony. The ego program is a serious tool and should not be let loose.

It's not about right or wrong, immoral or honesty. Awakening is the result of the only important choice for a person - to wake up and not fall asleep.   

The path to happiness is simple and understandable.

But it takes effort

We are a state of mind

And not a set of convolutions.

What is in our soul - we give

We are free to the world,

And the world will receive and return

One hundred times, will return the iron!

Now it remains to realize

And make the correct conclusion

What is better to be in happiness?

Or is it a century to share bad things?

Everyone can realize their true nature and get rid of suffering. It doesn't matter how much you meditate, do yoga, do business or get homeless. You simply make the choice to consciously engage only in the pleasant aspects of life , and let the destructive ones pass by like garbage floating by. An additional motive for awakening for many will be the realization of the immorality of destructive states, their harm to loved ones and strangers.

Being in a destructive state, you form an appropriate environment that attracts like a magnet

like a magnet. So gradually a person comes to depression - the moment of truth ... You can get out of it by gaining awakening or plunge into the collapse of consciousness - an extremely destructive and unpleasant state. You can get hooked on antidepressants and become an addict. Understand, in each of us there is an inexhaustible sea of ​​endorphins - natural antidepressants. Just allow yourself to be happy.

You should not think about liberation from the chain of reincarnations, heaven or hell. How can that which is the basis of being - the impersonal conscious beginning - stop incarnating? Stop getting involved in suffering and it will become a shadow on the wall. Become a silence or a stream of love, and only that will be attracted to you. Life here and now is the most adequate position,  full of harmony and  devoid of illusions.

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Friday, 17 July 2020

What is awakening and why is it not compatible with depression?

What is awakening and why is it not compatible with depression?
The words Master and Apprentice will be used throughout the article. This does not mean that the master is teaching something, but means that the student can learn if he deems it necessary. Awakening can be spontaneous, as a result of many years of searching for something unknown, without the participation of a master. In the presence of a wizard, the process is reduced to minutes or hours. Awakening can come instantly. It all depends on the state of the student. His:

  • Trust.
  • Openness and peace.
  • Emptiness (only an empty vessel can be filled).
The path to the goal can be long or short. The length of the path depends on many factors, especially when the goal is vague and how in a fairy tale you have to go there - I don't know where and bring that - I don't know what. In satsangs, masters are often asked the question, " What is awakening ?" The answers are different, but these are words, and words are just food for the mind. He loves thoughts, models, concepts, but awakening occurs when the mind is silent, and it becomes silent when awakening comes. Is the circle closed? Do you think this is some kind of Sufi or Zen joke? Nothing like this. Everything is simple, but this simplicity must be pursued consistently.

Usually, when a master's attention is directed to a person, it feels like something special: 
  • Women experience a state of warmth, love and tenderness (depending on the degree of mental activity, emotional background and attention to the master).
  • Men feel a downward or upward flow of pleasant energy penetrating the body (depending on the degree of mental activity and trust in the master). 
  • The master feels the same as the disciples. 
If the master is a woman, then the feelings of men and women who are present at the satsang are mirrored. What is it? How can you explain the experienced sensations? After all, they arise spontaneously and are not associated with the words of the master. What's going on and why? How can you prolong this pleasant state of clarity, joy, love and happiness? What is needed for this? Meditation? Asanas? Privacy? Practices? Obedience? Spiritual feat? 

All of the above can work, but it's a long way to go. You don't travel from Odessa to Kiev via Australia, do you? There are shorter paths and they are due to our nature. Awakening is the evolutionary process of the interaction of perception and form (body) . From the world of thoughts, experiences and worries, a person enters the world of silence and sensations caused by direct perception of reality. 

Awakening brings relief from the suffering of form, including even pain. Sometimes it goes away completely, sometimes partly, but there is no suffering. Naturally, the silence of the mind gradually comes and the cleansing of memory files from negative emotional coloring. What is the nature of awakening? I will try to explain this from two points of view - near-scientific and religious.

Near-scientific explanation

Awakening is caused by the resonance phenomenon of energetics of two forms of different types of perception, when: 
  • Their attention is drawn to each other.
  • They are open, gullible and calm.
  • When they wish each other happiness. 
In other words:

Trust, openness and desire
Share the joy accumulated in your soul
From comprehending the harmony of the universe -
Carries love, lifts us above mortal life
And awakens resonance in the ripe to give its light,
That primordial secret, which is, in essence, life, love and grace.

It is no coincidence that nature divided us into women and men - creatures with different types of perception. When a man's ATTENTION is drawn to a woman, and a woman's ATTENTION to a man, their energies of attention merge into one and the increased potential makes it possible to perceive the basis of being - Light (subtle energies). Both forms react to this with a burst of activity of the pineal gland, which results in a feeling of the flow of Love, Tenderness (Happiness). 

Forms receive huge doses of endorphins, serotonin, dopamine, and in some cases DMT (Dimethyltryptamine) . At such doses, it is difficult to slip into depression, but quite well into mania. Therefore, at the initial stage of awakening, it is important for those who suffer from manic depressive disorder to keep a balance between the coming silence and bliss, without slipping into permanent bliss . A good night's rest is no less important .

ATTENTION is not necessarily a sensory perception, it is an inner knowledge that somewhere there is a person with whom you, for example, are currently communicating in a chat. The same thing happens between the expectant mother and the unborn boy. A woman FEELS ANOTHER inside herself. It is difficult for men to understand this, but it is possible to imagine. This is enough for resonance. 

Religious explanation of resonance (awakening)

It is hard to imagine that the scribes and Pharisees took up arms against Christ because he came to approve the elementary social norms of human community. Then why was he crucified? The answer lies in a well-known phrase, interpreted by the fathers of the Christian church in different ways. Where two or three gather in my name, there I am in the midst of them.  This phrase is a direct pointer to the path of natural evolution of perception. 

It should be understood as follows: where two (a man and a woman; a woman pregnant with a boy) or three (a man and a pregnant woman) gather in My name (Light, Love, the Basis of Being), there I (Light, Love, the Basis of Being) among them. Christ brought to people what undermined the foundations of a consumer society oriented toward pursuing happiness through the pursuit of external goals (wealth, possessions, power, and fame). 

People can stay in the stream of impersonal Love constantly and work only to satisfy the elementary needs of the body. Being in the flow is a natural state of perceiving beings that does not require social and physical conditioning. With the coming awareness of the unity of all that exists, the concept of "enemy" disappears. Now, loving the enemy is not a problem and you do not need to acquire in order to be happy. 

The popularization of such a worldview horrified those in power and Christ was removed. The world religion was named after him, and the essence of the doctrine was interpreted as it was beneficial to the power structures. 

Those who first came to this resource may find it useful to familiarize themselves with previous publications. It's best to start with the first one.
I would like to sincerely thank those who are actively involved in the support, development and work of the project. 

The topic of awakening is quite voluminous and dynamic. It brings surprises not only in the field of relationships and communication. The perception of what was previously considered second-rate life (plants, animals, minerals) is changing. One life fills an infinite variety of forms. This is evidenced by the perception of the awakened one. In the next post, I will touch on one of these topics. 

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Saturday, 20 June 2020

From Depression to Impersonal Love

Opening the project, I did not plan to write lengthy articles. I thought to limit myself to the analytical part, in order to more clearly indicate the extent of the problem of destructive states (including depression). But life loves surprises. The need to structure the material for consistent presentation formed an atmosphere of creativity in which new thoughts began to arise - answers to questions that were still unasked  . Yes, do not be surprised. This is how the mind is able to work when immersed in silence. 

Is your mind silent? Or how does a rattle shake up memories, relish problems, sorrows, grievances, etc.? If the second, then this is normal. If the first - you are no longer interested in reading further, because now I will start talking about love, tenderness and happiness . A silent mind knows them well, because it was the experience of the flow of love that made him subside and take up his direct duties:
  • Formulation of questions.
  • Getting answers. 
  • By communication.
  • Inventing explanations for those who just need to not experience the stream of happiness, love and tenderness, feel life as a successfully developing solitaire, but know why, how and what ...
  • Creative activities that bring daily bread.

It’s difficult for me to disclose this topic about pervasive concepts,  because it is based on an accessible state of love for everyone, but not tragic, heart-breaking and not melodramatic with a dubious happy ending far from reality. Such love is heavily involved in egoism, desires, plans, fantasies and inadequacy. It will be about impersonal Love . She certainly exists, but most of us are only worried about her echoes. They are given to us as hints, pointers to the path of evolution of perception and awareness, because it is there, behind the scenes of the reflexive EGO program and the UMA bore. 

It is called differently: Absolute, God, Nature, Tao, Light of awareness , etc. All this sounds quite abstract, I agree, but there is a word that everyone understands - Love. This is not the Basis of Being, but it is a stream of sensations of the body perceiving the Source of all things. 

Lovers experience this  at the initial stage of a relationship, when the hormonal surge caused by the flow of love suppresses the EGO program, pushing the lovers to give themselves up to a partner.  
It is known to mothers who have boys (why boys will be described in a separate article), and it is available in unlimited quantities to those whose mind is silent . They can also invite into this state those who are open, trusting and ready to accept it. Impersonal love is one of the conditions that can safely be called happiness, because it is joy, pleasure, bliss and adequacy. 

It is this condition that I propose to experience and accept as a base for those who want to get rid of depression. The effectiveness of this experience is hard to overestimate. These publications are read by different people, but among them there are those for whom the stream of Love has become a regularly experienced state that brings many pleasant changes to life. Some of them can already help to survive this experience, while others still only master the skills of a new attitude towards them. 

If you want to wake up the source of happiness in yourself and enter this state, you should understand that: 
  • All sorts of dreamers and Wishlist, which our beloved EGO is so hungry for, must be left at the entrance, otherwise pure impersonal love will quickly turn into a painful EGO addiction that does not even get along with adequacy. 
  • The pass to Love is openness, trust and attention to one’s feelings. In the world of sensations, the choice is simple - we go towards the pleasant and dissolve in it. 
  • The barrier of perception that generates inadequacy is fear, distrust, doubt and confidence in one's knowledge of life. If you come to share the experience of achieving depressive states - you were mistaken at the door. Perhaps later you will recognize the mistake and return, because you can only fill an empty vessel. If you are full of suffering and the experience of their achievement, there is no place for Light awareness. It also happens.

I will keep the promise given in the previous article and try to describe the taste of the “orange” - the feelings experienced in the stream of impersonal Love. I also note the states that become available. So:
  • Love is an impersonal state of bliss felt like a stream. Depending on the state of the soul (this word does not quite fit in this case), love can have several characteristic nuances, allowing one to determine the reasons that caused one or another nuance. 
  • Tenderness is a pure stream of tenderness in which you stay until it breaks or until you get bored. Like love, it can be different, but always very pleasant. Please understand that words are just a dry sensation.
  • Happiness is an opportunity to balance between silence, tenderness and love. This condition is characterized by adequacy, productivity and high creative potential. however, like the two previous ones. The longer you are in Love and Tenderness, the faster silence comes.

If a person maintains balance in this range, then against the background of a silent mind, metabolism is restored, many diseases go away, but depression is the first to go away. In addition, the radicalism of judgments disappears, the ability of an alternative vision of any phenomenon opens up. The world becomes holistic, harmonious and comfortable, as much as a person needs it.

Is it difficult to achieve this state? It is as easy as breathing. Maintaining this state is necessary with joy, interest and pleasure, especially since no effort is required for this. They are necessary to achieve the opposite goal - depression. If she is with you - do not delay, write and we will solve this problem together. Still have questions? Ask them in the comments. I will answer all.

In the next article, I will talk about the nature of the phenomenon that leads to awakening, satori, enlightenment, goodness, etc. And I’ll try to come up with several versions of versions that are consistent with religions and theistic teachings. The mind requires explanation, such is its habit: to question, destroy, refute ... True, in this case its task is complicated by the fact of having experience, which cannot be refuted. 

I want to thank all the active readers for their informative comments. This is a significant contribution to the project. 
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Monday, 1 June 2020

Depression is the result of an inadequate worldview

Human life is full of contradictions. He constantly strives to achieve INTERNAL comfort and joy, love and bliss (HAPPINESS), due to EXTERNAL transformations and achievements. A society focused on external values ​​deprives itself of the opportunity to achieve inner harmony, happiness and is doomed to depression. Why? 

Everything is very simple, but lying on the surface, we tend to not notice. Man comes into this world without instruction . But this is only at first glance. In fact, it is sewn into each of us and each of its items is a program that runs when certain conditions are formed. The level of implementation of the program determines the stages of evolution of human perception. Entry-level programs (instructions) determine children's openness, spontaneity and credulity, allowing the child to experience a state of happiness.

Similar programs exist in every creature, and it is they that make it possible to maintain the natural harmony of nature. A person endowed with intelligence and personality is an exception. He comes up with a lot of his own, external rules, following which, not only destroys the nature of the planet, but also methodically deprives himself of a sense of life, happiness and love. From an early age, a human being receives the following attitudes:
  • Happiness lies in receiving and acquiring. Seek, buy, receive and enjoy life. Orientation on external values ​​- surrogates of happiness  can give satisfaction from the anticipation of achieving the desired. Achievement itself - an external object or state almost instantly begins to cause problems, a feeling of dissatisfaction with the nuances of what has been achieved and, as a result, a desire for more. 
  • Think before you do, think! This kills spontaneity and naturalness, and also blocks the ability to perceive the current moment. We can either think or perceive. 
  • Set goals and constantly work on their implementation. The goals are usually external in the future tense. Thinking about goals and working on their implementation, we lose a moment of life here and now . Planning is justified, but you should not become planning yourself.
  • Follow external rules (morality, ethics, laws, etc.) and you will be fine. In society, the opposite is true - those who violate external rules succeed, and those who try to follow them help the first to succeed. Think about the moral standards of animals, plants, insects, which allow them to coexist wonderfully with all their differences (color, shape, size, communication methods, etc.). People have fewer differences, but they hardly tolerate each other ... Why? What do you think?
  • Realize yourself as a person, conquer the world, prove to everyone that you are worth something. This is the way of forming a sense of individuality, the reason for fear, aggression, mistrust, hatred, the desire to have, to protect one’s self, etc. Personality - EGO is the most powerful barrier to adequate perception and, oddly enough, this is the only thing that needs protection. It comes to the point of absurdity - if you want peace - get ready for war, etc.
  • Remember the past, without the past there is no future. In fact, memories completely cut us off from life in the here and now.  There is no past, but no future. Strictly speaking, there is only the current moment, which is lost forever. The memory of the past is our Person. By the way, since there is no past anymore, our personality is outdated information about what is missing. But we tend to defend this outdated information so zealously ...
What is the result? A person ceases to perceive the world as a lived sensation, turning it into a set of thoughts, concepts and personal experiences. Life becomes gray and oppressive like the sleeping areas of most cities. How comfortable is it? Most can live with it, but there is a category of people (about 20%) with an increased susceptibility. 

For them, mild emotional pressure feels like pain, stress, or discomfort. Ego attachments turn into painful addictions. Social frameworks do not limit them, but strangle and oppress. The inability to change external circumstances and realize the desire to have something associated with happiness causes despair. The world is becoming gray, uncomfortable and hostile. 

Suppressed emotions, unfulfilled desires, disappointments, the pain of loss and other destructive weaves are combined into one. It oppresses, crushes, prevents breathing and causes heaviness in the chest, manifests itself in the form of local physical discomfort, general fatigue and hopelessness. The desire to live disappears ... Meet - this is your favorite depression .    

External rules are always limitations and pressure. Unlike external - internal rules - are organic and natural. Their observance gives a state of satisfaction, inner comfort and happiness. When you are a rule, you cannot help but be it - it is natural how to breathe.  You understand? Being happy is natural and simple. But how to achieve naturalness? 

This is easier to show than to explain. When a person suffering from depression comes to me, I just show him a place in him, where silence, happiness and harmony always reign. Acquainted with this inner space, a person gets the opportunity to invite others into it. This is a natural ability inherent in all human (and not only) creatures from the moment of conception.

In the following publications, an attempt will be made to talk about the "taste of an orange," or to explain in words what happiness, love, tenderness, harmony, and everything else are, which is a natural alternative to an artificially formed depressive state.

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Friday, 29 May 2020

Causes of depression and what is happiness

The causes of depression are  easy to formulate. They are obvious and straightforward. Surprisingly
different. Why, with their obviousness, they are not taken into account in the healing of such an insidious disease. For what purpose is mankind persistently forming an attitude toward egoistic aspirations associated with the achievement of external goals that supposedly lead to happiness? According to established rules, a real man should: 
  • Realized as a person.
  • Achieve a certain level of well-being (build a house).
  • Form a family and raise a descendant (son).
  • Compensate for the harm done to the planet in solving previous problems (plant a tree).
The role of women in a patriarchal society is somewhat more modest: 
  • Give birth to a son.
  • To help a man on the path of self-realization.
In the struggle for equal rights, women won Pyrrhova - they are now allowed to:
  • Develop intelligence and be realized as a person.
  • To do what was previously available only to men (engage in business, politics, work in hazardous industries and even fight).
  • To do everything that a real man had to do before.
Let me remind you that 2/3 of humanity suffering from depression are women . He is inclined to believe that they received the right to suffering caused by this ailment along with other gains in the struggle for equality. It is generally accepted that happiness is present on the whole life path of real women and men doing what they should. 

But is it really so? Is there happiness at all, and what is it? Men find it difficult to answer this question, and CIS women usually answer: "Happiness is when children are healthy and the husband does not drink." What is real happiness will become clear later, but for now we continue to consider the topic we have begun .

Please note that all the tasks facing modern women and men can be safely attributed to external ones. You ask: " But what about intelligence and personality ?" At first glance, these are internal aspects. But only at first glance. Why? - you ask, and the answer to this question will bring us very close to identifying the true reasons for a significant part of the population of our planet to be depressed.

Followers of religions and esoteric teachings, gurus and realized masters, special services and psychologists realize that the Person i.e. EGO - program and UM (intellect) - are tools that a person can control, or can be identified with them, falling under their control. How this happens and why the striving for external values ​​does not make a person happy can be learned from the following publications. 

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Wednesday, 27 May 2020

Depression is a serious problem

It is human nature to move away from solving a problem simply by ignoring it . This is a good way, but temporary. When the status of the problem rises to the level of choice between life and death, you have to do something. Today, humanity faces many urgent tasks that require urgent solutions, but this does not go further than voicing their relevance. What is the reason for such frivolity? Why are real threats to the existence of human civilization ignored?

The conclusion suggests itself that no one is truly interested in eliminating these threats. It is obvious that h elovechestvo gradually lose the taste for life . Statistics is a relatively exact science, especially in the field of medicine. It allows you to objectively assess the trend and the percentage of damage to the human body by a serious ailment -  DEPRESSION. This disease is one of the most common mental disorders today (I do not want to use the word mental, for reasons that will be discussed below).

According to WHO (February 2017 Newsletter No. 369)
Depression affects more than 300 million (three hundred million!) People. And these are only those who sought help from a doctor and their condition was diagnosed by a specialist.
Depression is the main cause of disability and complication of other diseases. 
Two-thirds of people with depression are women.

Annually, more than 800,000 people commit suicide without receiving qualified help. This is the second leading cause of death for young people aged 15-29 years.
There are effective treatments for depression.   
It is obvious that humanity suffers from a serious disease, the symptoms of which are unwillingness to live. This is manifested in the aggravation of environmental and social problems declared as global. 

The last item on the list sounds more like a mockery, as the percentage of incidence continues to grow. In most countries, less than 10% of those in need receive adequate treatment. This is due to the low qualifications of specialists and the lack of medicines.

Obviously, eliminating the symptoms of the disease will not eliminate its causes, and this is exactly what medicine should do. It should be understood that depression is not only a medical problem. A condition that destroys the soul is caused by an imperfect worldview, and it is formed during the period of social adaptation of a person.

You will read about why this happens and how to get rid of depression forever in the following publications . Do not forget to add to readers or subscribe to updates. Remember, leaving comments on what you read, you contribute to the work of the project.