Thursday, 20 August 2020

Broken heart is the cause of depression

How does the EGO program behave? She immediately declares: "Mine! I want!". And quickly forms an EGO-dependence. If one of the partners is less susceptible, then his dependence is not formed or is being formed, but to a lesser extent. They are usually men. They are most often driven by a desire for physical intimacy and a fear of responsibility (if they are ripe for responsibility). Sometimes it is enough for women just to be near, to see, to feed, to take care of. Sex, of course, too, but this comes later, since the partner must be checked for marriage, decency and other attributes of solidity. After all, a man is a potential life companion.

The broken heart phenomenon occurs quite often. In a society of selfishly oriented beings, this is one of the most common causes of  depression , especially in women. Those who got under the distribution, I will probably upset. There is no unrequited love, but there is unrequited ego dependence. It is expressed in a simple phrase: "I want to have, but I can't." To avoid misunderstandings, I will clarify. 

An egoist cannot love (this was discussed in previous publications, but I will repeat myself). Moreover, an altruist cannot either. Love is a state in which you can stay. It can be called a resonance of two souls, allowing one to perceive the Basis of Being, to which the body reacts with a stream of bliss, tenderness and love. So, two met, were filled with sympathy and a stream arose ... 

So, what is Love and ego-addiction figured out. Now let's figure out what it means to love. So that the flow of Love is not interrupted, the "lover" must: 

  • Accept a person unconditionally and completely.
  • Wish him happiness near, far, with yourself or with anyone. If only he (she) were happy.
  • Do not interfere in his life until the person asks for it. It is possible to give gifts if it does not interrupt the flow. 
Moreover, such love is completely disinterested. It is focused on giving, not receiving. And only in this case a person can be in the stream of Love. Beloved left with another and she feels good - you are happy. A beloved meets with a friend and she makes him happy - hug your friend and rejoice with her in general happiness. 

For love, there are no distances. Those who wish each other happiness can merge into one and be in the flow of Love, even being on different continents. Phones and internet are not needed. You will say that this is fantastic? Do not hurry. For me and those who have awakened to live in the present moment, this is not an everyday reality, since life turns into a never-ending magical act.  

A world where there are no boundaries for relationships, in which you can give Love and Affection at will and without restrictions - this is a reality that terrifies only those who are obsessed with creating a myth about happiness outside, which can be bought, obtained and kept with oneself and for oneself ... This is true for bodily pleasures, but for the soul, it is a scam. 

The rich get their hearts broken too. Those who are devoured by the inflamed EGO-addiction in the form of a "broken" heart have no time for money or delicacies. They suffer from the loss of what they never had, from self-pity, from an unsatisfied desire to have, resentment and unwillingness to live. This is what blocks the perception of the flow of Love. 

Awakening opens the eyes of the sleeping person to the true state of affairs. He is in a stream of happiness and clearly sees how the intervention of the EGOUMA affects this state. Everything quickly falls into place. A person comes to impersonal perception, becomes the master of his tools (ego-program and mind) and lives the current moment as he considers necessary, i.e. in harmony with the world, since he himself is the source of this harmony. He evolves from a Homo sapiens into an awakened man, free from suffering. I would like to sincerely thank those who are actively involved in the support, development and work of the project. 

Thursday, 13 August 2020

Involvement, conscious and unconscious

Waking up and falling asleep is a cyclical process that we go through every day. At night we see one dream, and in the morning we wake up in another dream consisting of our thoughts. We think them, make assumptions, guesses, shuffle and lay out memory files, experiencing rare emotions of joy and numerous destructive states. A person plunges into dreams, fears, desires and hopes - into everything that is no longer there or not yet, that is, into the illusory world of the mind. He is  asleep, unconsciously drawn into the illusory world of mental constructions.

Everyone knows that the sky is blue and the clouds are beautiful, but try to remember how often you lie down on the earth warmed by the sun, drowning in the aromas of meadow grasses and admiring the clouds? I'm sure this is rare. The mind becomes silent when the attention switches to global objects. As soon as this happens, a person is immersed in the present moment, and silence comes - that which is unchanging, eternal. The silence of the mind should come naturally; you can only come to an agreement with it by practicing meditation for a while.

Those who experience the here and now, that is, awaken, eventually come to silence of the mind in a  natural way . This happens quickly if for some time they do not communicate with the sleeping people. If communication takes place, some effort must be made to maintain silence. To do this, one must not get involved in flying thoughts, desires, hopes, dreams, grief and other nonsense that imposes a web of sleep on the attention. In addition, it is necessary to track ego-reflections (resentment, insults, humiliation, pride) that occur when contacting sleeping people. 

How not to get involved in someone else's melodarms and not reflexive?

In contact with sleeping people, first of all, one must be vigilant and ruthlessly cut off all unnecessary things. Are you being forced to tell a story about a friend's neighbor or your partner's betrayal? Just speak to your eyes that you are not interested. Having got out of your dream, plunging into someone else's is stupid. The sleeper does not stop - just turn away and leave. If you manage to be in silence, then just look into the eyes of the speaker, smiling internally. If your interlocutor looks away, ask him to look you in the eye. A few minutes will pass and he will be silent. He will plunge into your silence, and the border between you will disappear.

Remember that your interlocutor and you are just waves in the ocean of awareness. It's just that your wave is clean, and the wave of the interlocutor is carrying some kind of debris (plastic bottles, styrofoam and dead fish). There are no boundaries between you. You are transparent, and your interlocutor sees the world through the garbage. You can share the purity of your perception, or you can look at the world through the eyes of a sleeping interlocutor. You can just fall asleep, immersed in the ego of reflection, forgetting about unity and harmony. The ego program is a serious tool and should not be let loose.

It's not about right or wrong, immoral or honesty. Awakening is the result of the only important choice for a person - to wake up and not fall asleep.   

The path to happiness is simple and understandable.

But it takes effort

We are a state of mind

And not a set of convolutions.

What is in our soul - we give

We are free to the world,

And the world will receive and return

One hundred times, will return the iron!

Now it remains to realize

And make the correct conclusion

What is better to be in happiness?

Or is it a century to share bad things?

Everyone can realize their true nature and get rid of suffering. It doesn't matter how much you meditate, do yoga, do business or get homeless. You simply make the choice to consciously engage only in the pleasant aspects of life , and let the destructive ones pass by like garbage floating by. An additional motive for awakening for many will be the realization of the immorality of destructive states, their harm to loved ones and strangers.

Being in a destructive state, you form an appropriate environment that attracts like a magnet

like a magnet. So gradually a person comes to depression - the moment of truth ... You can get out of it by gaining awakening or plunge into the collapse of consciousness - an extremely destructive and unpleasant state. You can get hooked on antidepressants and become an addict. Understand, in each of us there is an inexhaustible sea of ​​endorphins - natural antidepressants. Just allow yourself to be happy.

You should not think about liberation from the chain of reincarnations, heaven or hell. How can that which is the basis of being - the impersonal conscious beginning - stop incarnating? Stop getting involved in suffering and it will become a shadow on the wall. Become a silence or a stream of love, and only that will be attracted to you. Life here and now is the most adequate position,  full of harmony and  devoid of illusions.

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